For the time being, while the infection risks from COVID 19 are high, and in line with government advice, we have taken the decision to switch all the New Dawn Risk team to a home working protocol.
The good news is that we have upgraded the quality of our remote working facilities across the board, with this eventuality in mind. This means that our entire team will still be accessible on their office phone numbers (or via their mobiles), by email and by videoconference (using Microsoft Teams, or indeed any other videoconference channel).
Both we and the London Market remain very much open for business, and we are in continuous contact with our underwriters. If you are having trouble connecting with London insurers through other channels, I have no doubt that we can assist. Please feel free to call or email any of us. You can find phone numbers and email addresses here:
We look forward to working with you in new ways, via conference calls and videoconferences, for as long as the health issues remain significant.
Stay safe and healthy!
Max Carter, CEO at New Dawn Risk