Our ESG Commitment

At New Dawn Risk Group Limited (NDRG) we stand committed to adopting ESG best practices.

As a principled company we hold ourselves to the highest possible standard.  As part of this ethos of acting ethically, we have a responsibility to consider the environment, social and governance impacts of our activities.  We aim to ensure that our activities positively affect society.

The company holds itself accountable for its impact on society and looks to prioritise profits, people and the planet in equal measure, operating as a means of improving reputation and profitability.  In practice, this involves initiatives like helping the local community, taking part in charity events, reducing NDRG’s carbon footprint, reducing the use of paper and recycling where possible.


We appreciate that all our activities, whether in the office or because of the business activities we undertake, have a positive or negative impact on the environment.

The Company’s activities are subject to on-going review and there is commitment from the senior management team to reduce our environmental impact as far as is reasonably practicable.  This includes:

  • Being energy efficient
  • Reducing our use of paper
  • Utilising environmentally friendly transport


NDRG will conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner.  All our staff are expected to do the same.

Social values are ingrained in the culture of our Company and every facet of the business, not just because we have a corporate responsibility, but because we believe it the right thing to do as an ethical business.  Social values to us means many things including:

  • Diversity, equality, and equal opportunities within our team, we are part of the ‘We’re All In’, an industry standard.
  • Providing a working environment in which all our staff can realise their potential free from bullying behaviour and any form of harassment.
  • Supporting charitable activities and encouraging staff to undertake voluntary work for the community.
  • Providing work experience and internships to the local school community.

NDRG will advise our partners, contractors, and suppliers of our social values and will work with them to achieve consistency with this policy.

Our commitment to social values is outlined within our Company Handbook.


NDRG is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance practices to maintain excellence in its daily operations, and to promote confidence in our governance systems.

We pride ourselves in having a transparent decision-making process in place that is underpinned by clear policies and processes. All these policies are underpinned by a code of conduct which outlines the integrity within which we expect our business to run, and this applies to all our people.

Our policies are reviewed on at least an annual basis. They must be approved by the senior management team and all staff are required to attest that they have read and understood the policies applicable to them.

  • NDRG HR & Compliance induction
  •  Company handbook
  •  Fitness & Propriety Questionnaire
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Appraisal Process
  • Compliance annual monitoring
  • Monthly management meetings
  • Board & Management drive

We aim to ensure accurate, consistent, and timely information is provided to all our stakeholders.

For further information on our commitment to ESG best practices please contact:  HR & Compliance.